1. Shinkai Makoto
I will introduce about him. Makoto Shinkai is a Japanese director of animation and formed graphic designer.His favorite anime is Castle in the Sky by Hayao Miyazaki and Shinkai Makoto has been called "the New Miyazaki" in several reviews. He was borned in the Nagano, Japan. He studied Japanese literature at Chou. I heard that he produced the drama too. But, I'm not interested in the Japanese drama. So, I'll skip that.If you want to know about him, then go to this address.
URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Makoto_Shinkai
- Other Worlds (遠い世界) - Director / Animator, 1997 (short film)
- She and Her Cat (彼女と彼女の猫) - Director / Writer / Animator / voice of Her Cat, 1999
- Voices of a Distant Star (ほしのこえ) - Director / Writer / Producer / voice of Noboru Terao (original voice), 2002
- Egao (みんなのうた「笑顔」) - Director, 2003 (Music Video for Hiromi Iwasaki)
- The Place Promised in Our Early Days (雲のむこう、約束の場所) - Director / Writer / Producer / Storyboards / Background art / Design/Modeler / Theme Song Lyrics, 2004
- 5 Centimeters Per Second (秒速5センチメートル) - Director / Writer / Producer / Storyboard / Art Director / Color design, 2007
- A Gathering of Cats (猫の集会 ) - Director / Storyboards / Background art / Color design / Photography, 2007 (TV short film featured on Ani*Kuri15)
- Children Who Chase Lost Voices (星を追う子ども) - Director / Writer / Producer, 2011
- Someone's Gaze (だれかのまなざし) - Director, 2013 (short film)
- The Garden of Words (言の葉の庭) - Director / Writer / Photography / Color design / Editing, 2013
- Wind: A Breath of Heart - Trailer & OP Director / Computer Animator, 2002-2004
- Haru no Ashioto - Trailer & OP Director, 2004
- Ef: A Fairy Tale of the Two. - Trailer & OP Director, 2006
- Slug, 1994 (picture-book)
- 5 Centimeters per Second, 2007 (novel)
- Beyond the Tower, 2002
- Voices from a Distant Star, 2004
- The Place Promised in Our Early Days, 2005-present
- 5 Centimeters per Second, 2010-2011
- Children who Chase Lost Voices from Deep Below, 2011
- I Dream to Protect You (きみを守るためにぼくは夢をみる) - Illustrator, 2003 - 2011
2. The Garden of Words
Latest, I saw one movie called 'The Garden of Words'.
'The Garden of Words, 2013'
I like this movie's drawing and pictures. Person who draw the all drawing is Shinkai Makoto, Japanese movie directer. He describing every stuff detail and beautiful. Those are looks like real one. He used the green color for the lines. It's hard think that use green color in the drawing.

In this movie, there's two main character. A boy's name is Akizuka Takao. He was interested in making the shoes. But he didn't have his father and his mother was get out the home with her new boyfriend. He is high school student. When it's rain he went to the Shinjuku Public Park. A woman's name is Yukino Yukari. She was cover at many secret. Takao didn't know her name and why she was came to Shinjuku Public Park.

'The Garden of Words - Trailer [English Subbed]'
If you want to know about this movie please move on this address.
URL: http://nopybot.com/2013/06/04/observations-in-the-garden-of-words-an-explanation-of-shoes-rain-and-love/
3. '5 Centimeters per Second'
When I saw this movie, I started found another movie by Shinkai Makoto. I heard this title before. I didn't see this movie, but I want to see. My friend told me some information about the Sinkai Makoto. "All the movies by Shinkkai Makoto are ended with sad ending. I heard that he has kind of phobia about the love." I don't know it's true or not.
'5 Centimeters per Second, 2007'
Story Board
Story Board
4. 'Children Who Chase Lost Voices'

If you want to get some information about this movie, then go to this address. I didn't see this movie too. So, I can't introduce about this.
This video is the just a trailer.(English subbed)
5. 'The Place Promised in Our Early Days'

If you want to know about this movie, then go to this address. I didn't see this movie too. But I want to see this movie in some future.
If you want to watch this movie, then watch this video. (English subbed, It's about 1hour.)
If you want to see just a trailer, then watch this video.(English trailer)
6. Intnerview - NHK World
URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jECqwCrJwEc
7. Drawing '5 Centimeters per Second' & his drawing style
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