This video is the trailer of ‘The Garden of Words’. This movie is
the latest movie by Shinkai Makoto. I like this movie, because person who draw
the designs and illustrates in Shinkai Makoto. He is really good at describing
the something detail and beautiful. And he is popular at drawing background really beautiful. Some of that is beautiful then real
one. He used the green color for this movie. I heard that a green color is
difficult color to use in drawing .
In this movie, there’s two main character. A boy’s name is Akizuka
Takao. He was high school student. He was interested in making the shoes.
But he lose his father and his mother was get out the home with her new
boyfriend. When it’s rain, he went to the Shinjuku Public Park. A woman’s name
is Yukino Yukari. She was cover at many secret. One raining day, they met in
the Shinjuku Public Park. They didn't know each other. But they met every
raining day morning, they became to friend.
If you want to know about this movie. I already posted it in my
I will introduce about the Shinkai Makoto. He is a Japanese director of animation and formed graphic designer. And he is famous Japanese
movie director. Reason why I chose this topic is latest I saw the movie
named “The Garden of Words”,that directed, written, designed and photographed
by Shinkai Makoto. I have interested about him. So, I searched about him.
I’m going to use prezie for presentation.
He was born in Nagano, Japan. He studied Japanese literature at
Chou University. I heard that he produced the drama too. But, I’m not
interested in the Japanese drama. So, I’ll skip that part. His favorite anime
is ‘Castle in the Sky’ by Hayao Miyazaki. Shinkai Makoto has been called “The
New Miyazaki” in several reviews.
If you want to know more about him. I posted it in my blog, too.
These are the list of films, video games, literature works,
Comics and illustrations that he worked.
And this is his drawing style.
After I saw ‘The Garden of Words’, I found another movie by
Shinkai Makoto. I heard this title before but I didn't see this movie.So I
can’t introduce about his movie I want to see this movie. My friend
told me some information about the Shinkai Makoto and this movie.
“This movie was ended in sad ending. A boy and girl can’t meet!
All the movies by Shinkai Makoto were ended in sad ending. I heard that he
has a kind of phobia about the love”. I don’t know it’s true.
This video called ‘Story board’. When the movie directors make their movie they make ‘Story board’. It’s kind of script. They
make script to understand the story easily. In this progress, they put some musics, acts, sketches etc. This video is the story board of the
movie ‘5 Centimeter per Second’
These pictures are the
Shinkai Makoto’s drawing and picture that captured by his movie. He really good
at drawing the backgrounds.
This video’s title is ‘She&her cat’. This video shows the style of Shinkai Makoto. I want to
show you, but if we don't have a time, I will show you for one minute or just skip
this video.
Thank you!
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